pybela docs
Welcome to pybela’s documentation!
pybela allows interfacing with Bela, the embedded audio platform, using python. It offers a convenient way to stream data between Bela and python, in both directions. In addition to data streaming, pybela supports data logging, as well as variable monitoring and control functionalities.
Below, you can find instructions to install pybela. You can find code
examples at tutorials/
and test/
. The docs are available at
pybela was developed with a machine learning use-case in mind. For a complete pipeline including data acquisition, processing, model training, and deployment (including rapid cross-compilation) check the pybela-pytorch-xc-tutorial.
Installation and set up
You will need to (1) install the python package in your laptop, (2) set
the Bela branch to dev
and (3) add the watcher library to your Bela
1. Installing the python package
You can install this library using pip
pip install pybela
2. Set the Bela branch to dev
is relies on the watcher
library, which currently only
works with the Bela dev
branch. To set your Bela to the dev
branch, you can follow the instructions below.
Note: if you just flashed the Bela image, the date and time on the Bela board might be wrong, and the Bela libraries might not build correctly after changing the Bela branch. To set the correct date, you can either run (in the host)
ssh root@bela.local "date -s \"`date '+%Y%m%d %T %z'`\""
or just open the IDE in your browser (type bela.local
in the address
Option A: Bela connected to internet
If your Bela is connected to internet, you can ssh into your Bela
(ssh root@bela.local
) and change the branch:
# in Bela
cd Bela
git checkout dev
make -f Makefile.libraries cleanall && make coreclean
Option B: Bela not connected to internet
If your Bela is not connected to internet, you can change the branch by
cloning the Bela repository into your laptop and then pushing the
branch to your Bela. To do that, first clone the Bela repository
into your laptop:
# in laptop
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd Bela
Then add your Bela as a remote and push the dev
branch to your Bela:
# in laptop
git remote add board root@bela.local:Bela/
git checkout dev
git push -f board dev:tmp
Then ssh into your Bela (ssh root@bela.local
) and change the branch:
# in Bela
cd Bela
git checkout tmp
make -f Makefile.libraries cleanall && make coreclean
You can check the commit hash by running git rev-parse --short HEAD
either on Bela or your laptop.
3. Add the watcher library to your project
For pybela to be able to communicate with your Bela device, you will
need to add the watcher library to your Bela project. To do so, you will
need to add the files Watcher.h
and Watcher.cpp
to your Bela
project. You can do this by copying the files from the watcher
repository into your Bela project.
First you need to clone this repository, don’t forget to add the
``–recurse-submodules`` flag to the ``git`` command to populate the
# in laptop
git clone --recurse-submodules
Then you can copy the files to your Bela project:
# in laptop
cd pybela/
scp watcher/Watcher.h watcher/Watcher.cpp root@bela.local:Bela/projects/your-project/
Getting started
Modes of operation
pybela has three different modes of operation:
Streaming: continuously send data from Bela to python (NEW: and from python to Bela! check the tutorial).
Logging: log data in a file in Bela and then retrieve it in python.
Monitoring: monitor the value of variables in the Bela code from python.
Controlling: control the value of variables in the Bela code from python.
You can check the tutorials at tutorials/
for more detailed
information and usage of each of the modes. You can also
for a quick overview of the library.
Running the tutorials
The quickest way to get started is to start a jupyter notebook server
and run the tutorials. If you haven’t done it yet, install the python
package as explained in the Installation section. If you don’t have the
jupyter notebook
package installed, you can install it by running
(replace pip
with pipenv
if you are using a pipenv environment):
pip install notebook
Once installed, start a jupyter notebook server by running:
jupyter notebook # or `pipenv run jupyter notebook` if you are using a pipenv environment
This should open a window in your browser from which you can look for
the tutorials/notebooks
folder and open the examples.
Basic usage
pybela allows you to access variables defined in your Bela code from
python. To do so, you need to define the variables you want to access in
your Bela code using the Watcher
Bela side
For example, if you want to access the variable myvar
from python,
you need to declare the variable in your Bela with the Watcher template:
#include <Watcher.h>
Watcher<float> myvar("myvar");
You will also need to add the following lines to your setup
bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
// your code here...
You will also need to add the following lines to your render loop:
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
uint64_t frames = context->audioFramesElapsed + n;
// your code here...
you can see an example here.
Python side
Once the variable is declared with the Watcher template, you can stream,
log, monitor and control its value from python. For example, to stream
the value of myvar
from python, you can do:
from pybela import Streamer
streamer = Streamer()
to terminate the streaming, you can run:
Example projects
pybela-drumsynth: Audio-driven drum synthesis. This project takes audio from a microphone to control a drum synthesiser using onset detection and audio feature extraction. It uses pybela to capture an audio dataset and runs a torch model on Bela.
faab-hyperparams: Project that explores sonification of latent spaces of a Transformer Autoencoder model. This project uses pybela to capture training data, and to stream data to the laptop which runs a pytorch model. The output of the model can be sent back to Bela in real-time or sent through OSC to another device.
This library has been tested with Bela at dev
branch commit
and watcher at main
commit 903573a
To run pybela’s tests first copy the bela-test
code into your Bela,
compile and run it:
rsync -rvL test/bela-test root@bela.local:Bela/projects/
ssh root@bela.local "make -C Bela stop Bela PROJECT=bela-test run"
you can run the python tests by running:
python test/ # or `pipenv run python test/` if you are using a pipenv environment
You can build pybela using pipenv:
pipenv install -d # installs all dependencies including dev dependencies
pipenv lock && pipenv sync # updates packages hashes
pipenv run python -m build --sdist # builds the .tar.gz file
To do and known issues
☐ Upgrade: change dependency management from Pipenv to uv
☐ Fix: logger with automatic transfer too slow for large datasets
☐ Add: example projects
☐ Issue: Monitor and streamer/controller can’t be used simultaneously – This is due to both monitor and streamer both using the same websocket connection and message format. This could be fixed by having a different message format for the monitor and the streamer (e.g., adding a header to the message)
☐ Issue: The plotting routine does not work when variables are updated at different rates.
☐ Issue: The plotting routine does not work for the monitor (it only works for the streamer)
☐ Code refactor: There are two routines for generating filenames (for Streamer and for Logger). This should be unified.
☐ Possible feature: Flexible backend buffer size for streaming: if the assign rate of variables is too slow, the buffers might not be filled and hence not sent (since the data flushed is not collected in the frontend), and there will be long delays between the variable assign and the data being sent to the frontend.
☐ Issue: Flushed buffers are not collected after
in the frontend.
This library is distributed under LGPL, the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL 3.0), available here.